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7 Signs You May Have A Disordered Relationship With Food


Have You Ever Wondered…

How do you know if you have a disordered relationship with food or your body, and when do you need to reach out for help? You’re about to learn 7 signs that you might have a disordered relationship with food and be introduced to a common misconception that SO many women have towards determining whether or not they need help. Get prepared to be challenged and identify some habits that are not serving you or your health journey so that you can discover true health and your identity in Christ!

But first, let’s start with that common misconception:

“I Don’t Struggle With Disordered Eating Because Of My Body Size.”

This is a HUGE LIE from the enemy that SO many women fall into. Your body size has nothing to do with validating whether or not you struggle with disordered eating! Read that sentence again if you need to. Diet culture wants you to believe that struggling with food and your body is “just...

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A Controversial Conversation About Gluttony That Could Free You From Shame

Hey there, food freedom seeker! Welcome to the very first episode of The Joy-Filled Eater Podcast. I'm Brittany Braswell, your food freedom and body image coach, and we're about to dive into a topic that's been a bit hush-hush: Gluttony. We're here to spill the beans and debunk some common misconceptions, so stick around.


Misconceptions About Gluttony

You've probably heard some doozies about gluttony, like "You should eat to live, not live to eat" or "Gluttony is one of the 7 deadly sins" (which, by the way, isn't even in the Bible). And let's not forget the classic, "You should just have more self-control and willpower." But guess what? Those shame-inducing comments don't solve squat when it comes to your relationship with food.

Let me drop a truth bomb . Gluttony isn't just about scarfing down too much grub. There's a myriad reasons why someone might eat a large amount of food or feel like they've lost control around certain foods. Take 'Sharon', for instance....

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