Not interested in LIVE coaching, but still want to access our signature food freedom course content?

No worries, friend! Check out the details below to get started with the self-paced course version now!


Does this sound like you?

  • You constantly have high levels of anxiety when you think about your body or wonder what you "should be" eating.

  • You find yourself cycling back and forth between restriction and bingeing with no end in sight or hope of changing direction.

  • You struggle to consistently recognize and honor internal cues like hunger and fullness.

  • You no longer truly enjoy food, or you feel a sense of guilt and shame if you do eat something you enjoy.

  • You've really tried to make positive behavioral changes, but nothing seems to stick, so you find yourself trading one unhealthy behavior for another.

It doesn't have to be this way! 

Imagine if...

 ... you were able to reduce (or eliminate!) your anxiety before, during, and after meals.

... you knew how to listen to your body to choose when, how much, and what you want to eat so that you could feel confident in nourishing your body well.

... you could take every disordered thought captive

... you could get better sleep so you would wake up feeling refreshed instead of being anxious about another day.

... you were able to care for and steward your body well, regardless of how you feel about your body that day.


... you could finally stop calorie counting and wasting your day picking apart nutrition labels.

... you could discover the purposes the Lord has for your life so that you could have hope for tomorrow.

... you had mentorship and guidance from a Jesus lovin' food freedom coach so you never had to feel alone in your struggles again!

Want to make this your reality?

The Joy-Filled Eater is your roadmap to ditching diet culture so that you can finally experience food freedom.  It's time to invest in yourself by getting the education and tools you need NOW so that your future, recovered self can stop dieting and live a life free from constant food guilt & body shame.

If you're ready to get started, scroll a bit further to enroll so we can get you started on your path to food & body freedom!

Hundreds of women are now experiencing greater levels of food freedom...

Anna S.

"I have exposed myself to a lot of fear foods and have become much more flexible in my eating since starting the program. Just this week, I found myself saying “yes!” to a spontaneous opportunity that would have scared me in the past."

Tammy S.

"I had started losing hope in recovery, but Brittany was exactly what I was missing. I learned how to apply scriptures and God’s orientation in my own recovery. I found Brittany to be both knowledgeable and comprehensive."


"The weekly assignments were so valuable.  They were practical to implement and God's truths became a game changer for me."

"In a world where we can feel bombarded by so many opinions and ideas, a steadfast guide can be invaluable to help us along the way."

"No one can choose recovery for you, but Brittany offers insight and is a relentless encourager for those who embark on this journey to freedom."

"I am incredibly grateful for the manner in which God used Brittany to orchestrate a beautiful testimony of healing in my life."

--Isabel M.


The Joy-Filled Eater Course Roadmap

Pillar 1:

In this phase, you're identifying core beliefs, underlying causes, and contributing factors to your thought patterns and behaviors.

Pillar 2:

Who are you without your struggle?  This is when we explore how your disordered thoughts and behaviors are shaping your perceived identity.

Pillar 3:

In this phase, you're starting to apply your new mindset to implement specific strategies to reduce (and eliminate!) disordered behavior patterns.

Pillar 4:

Get back in tune with internal cues like hunger and fullness, and learn how to start trusting the Lord while developing confidence and autonomy to make recovery-focused decisions for the long term!



Module Breakdown

Our 4-pillar process is broken down into 13 modules with video teachings, implementation tools, and assignments that will get you putting every lesson into action!  Here's an overview of each module you'll get access to when you join The Joy-Filled Eater.

MODULE 0 - Welcome & Getting to the Core of It

This welcome module will set the stage for the course of the next 3 months, acclimate you to the group portal, show you how to access weekly calls and recordings, and set expectations for our time together.

MODULE 1 - Remodel Your Mindset

Identify your core beliefs and work through any limiting beliefs that are negatively impacting you so you can determine where and how your food- and body-related thoughts and behaviors originate.

MODULE 2 - Uncover Your Fears

Identify the fears and lies that are holding you back from recovery in order to recognize what strongholds need to be broken off your life, then craft your own go-to strategy to help you fight off even the most overwhelming behavioral urges.

MODULE 3 - Find Purpose in the Pain

Discover the purpose that your  behaviors are fulfilling (aka: the need it meets) so that you can begin learning to replace those negative behaviors with life-giving ones without leaving your needs unmet.

MODULE 4 - All About Body Image

Identify the type of body image you struggle with most, understand where your negative image is rooted, shift your self-talk from defeated to life-giving, and start erasing your body image rituals so that you can honor and nourish your body well.

MODULE 5 - Who Are You Really?

Confidently distinguish between the disordered voice and your voice, then discover your true identity in Christ so you won't have to wonder who you really are. You'll know and be confident in it.

MODULE 6 - Stop Setting Goals. Start Game Planning.

Create an exciting game plan to overcome your obstacles and finally reach the goals you’ve been setting but haven’t yet achieved so that you can grow in your faith and your food freedom.

MODULE 7 - Sufficient or Deficient? - How Your Body Uses Nutrition

Get the evidenced-based nutrition education you need to establish a foundation for fighting off untrue thoughts using science, logic, and reasoning.  Then get your big and small recovery nutrition questions answered.

MODULE 8 - Challenge Your Behaviors

Get equipped to better cope with anxiety while learning how to make peace with food and challenge your behaviors so that you no longer see foods as “good” or “bad”.

MODULE 9 - Get In Tune With Your Hunger

Create consistent habits that will help regulate your appetite, reduce bingeing, and promote improved hormone balance so that you can more easily connect with your hunger levels.

MODULE 10 - Recognize Fullness & Experience Satisfaction

Tap into your fullness and satiety cues to help reduce excessive intake and GI discomfort from overeating or mindless eating.  Then discover the role satisfaction plays in improving your eating experience and honoring fullness cues.

MODULE 11 - Movement & Rest

Learn how your body uses nutrition to fuel your movement (not just intentional exercise) and uncover one of the biggest secrets for reducing stress and anxiety while making your body and mind feel and operate at its best.

MODULE 12 - Walk In Your Purpose

Get clarity in hearing the Lord's voice so that you can fully walk in your God-given purpose and have confidence in making healthy, autonomous decisions to sustain your newfound freedom.

Meet Your Coach

👋 Hey, I'm Brittany!

I help women break free from the bondage of food guilt and body shame so they can cultivate a joy-filled relationship with food, their body, and Jesus.

As a Registered Dietitian, I've successfully helped hundreds of women reduce or eliminate their disordered behaviors, create consistency in their meal pattern, discover the roots of their anxiety around food and body, and grow closer to the Lord in the process.

I created this program to help women break free from anxiety and disordered eating through Christ-centered food freedom and body image coaching.

It's time to become a JOY-filled eater!

- Brittany Braswell, MS, RDN, LD

What My Students Are Saying

Skyler H.

"I have all this brainspace back! My mind isn't consumed with food or my body all the time."

"I can actually sit and read my Bible and pray and feel close to God and not be sitting in church thinking, 'What are other people thinking about how I look? What are people noticing about me? What am I gonna eat?' And just being able to focus on the One who created me."


"My core beliefs around food and my body made a huge shift from the beginning of my work with Brittany. I left behind an immense amount of shame and negativity and transitioned into a mindset that allows me not to be burdened by negative body issues and food guilt."

Alia H.

"We didn’t just talk about food. We worked together to uncover why I felt the way I did, and what we could do to make sustainable change. Brittany instilled in me a sense of worth that I didn’t have before."


"I am now ok with seeing my body in different stages. I feel ok to live my life without worrying about what I will eat next, and I can spend more time thinking about more important things."


"I've made so much more progress in 3.5 months than I thought I would. I thought I'd still be obsessing over everything... calories, exercising everyday, my body weight... I never thought I'd be this far along by now."


"Not only has my mindset around food and body changed, but I'm more in tune with my body when I move, my physical performance has significantly improved, and I'm no longer wasting crazy amounts of time at the grocery store reading every single nutrition label."

"I feel like I've had contact with you daily as I work through and digest the material in The Joy-Filled Eater! I cannot put into words how incredible this program is.

You have covered all the bases (and then some!) and I have learned SO MUCH.  I also appreciate how you have presented the material in a way that makes it applicable.

I truly believe your work and this program are anointed by the Spirit and I cannot express how thankful I am for you!!!"

--Christine Johnson

👍🏻 You ARE a good fit for this program if…

• You're done with restricting and ready to leave diet culture behind FOREVER.

• You're medically stable (needing some weight restoration is still ok).

• You're motivated to make lasting behavioral changes to promote sustainable improvements in physical, mental, & spiritual health.

• You're excited about taking a Christ-centered approach to recovery.

• You take responsibility for your own results and understand that no program or coaching will work unless YOU do!


You might NOT be a good fit if…

 • Discussing scripture would be triggering or offensive to you

• You're not ready to achieve a greater level of food and body freedom

• You're not highly self-motivated to consistently work through course content

By the end of The Joy-Filled Eater Course, you can expect to...

Increase your confidence

You'll have what you need to increase your confidence in feeling great in your body, nourishing it well, and inviting the Holy Spirit into your day-to-day food and body freedom journey.

Improve your body image

Instead of spending HOUR upon HOUR distracted by body-related thoughts, you'll have go-to strategies for taking those thoughts captive and viewing your body ina way that allows you to better appreciate and steward it.

Discover your unshakeable identity

You'll discover where your worth and value is truly found and how to separate your identity from your body weight, shape, or size.

Be armed for battle

You'll have the nutritional and Biblical knowledge you need to fight off diet culture lies and cultivate a community of like-minded, supportive women who have your back to win the war against diet culture!

My transformational promise to you...

When you enroll in The Joy-Filled Eater Course, you’ll discover how to achieve freedom from disordered eating so you can finally stop obsessing about food and your body!


Your Investment

Standard Enrollment


Lifetime Access

  • 12 core content modules -- including 30+ video lessons, weekly assignments, hands-on implementation tools, and added BONUS resources ($3000+ value) 

  • BONUS - 13+ on-demand and LIVE guest expert interviews ($1300+ value)
  • BONUS - Lifetime access to module content with all future updates ($997+ value)
  • BONUS - Access to our Gentle Nutrition Workshop upon completion of The Joy-Filled Eater course content ($97 value)
  •  That's a value of nearly $5400!


Plus Get This Amazing BONUS When You Join!

On-Demand Guest Expert Interviews

Hear from therapists, Christian authors and speakers, fitness professionals, eating disorder survivors, and  MORE as they share their encouragement and insight. ($1300+ value!)

Got more questions?

Check out the FAQ section below!  If you don't find the answers you're looking for, then click the button below to DM me on Instagram @brittanybraswellrd.


30-Day Worry Free Guarantee

If after your first 30 days of participating in group, you're not completely convinced that The Joy-Filled Eater course is the right place for you to grow in your recovery, we'll give you a complete refund.  Just email our team at [email protected] to chat with our team about it.

I know just how life-changing this program is, and I want you to be confident that you can experience freedom, just like so many others are already doing!


Hey, I'm Brittany.

I'm a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) with a passion for helping women discover their God-given worth and value. I believe that a person’s identity cannot be based on his or her appearance or abilities, but can only be found in the Lord.

I absolutely love providing Christ-centered coaching women to help them improve their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

The truth is, breaking free from food guilt and body shame can be incredibly challenging. And if you don't have a strong support system to provide the accountability you need, your recovery journey can take months or even years longer to walk out.

That's why I'm so excited to create a space for you to cultivate healthy God-centered relationships with other women who understand your struggles, so you can overcome the Enemy's lies and rediscover your true identity in Christ.

Let’s do this TOGETHER!

Your food & body freedom coach,

Get the blueprint and step-by-step process you need to achieve lasting food and body freedom in Christ.