Create your 2024 Food Freedom & Body Image Game Plan

So You Can Actually Reach the Goals You've Never Been Able to Before

In less than 60 minutes, I'll help you create an actionable game plan that can help you achieve your biggest food freedom & body image goals in 2024!

Are you tired of battling negative thoughts about your body and struggling with an unhealthy relationship with food?

It's time to take control and make 2024 the year you achieve true food freedom.

In this FREE workshop, you'll discover:

🌟 Proven goal-setting strategies tailored for lasting results
đź“‹ A game planning process to create actionable steps for your journey
đź‘Ł Tangible steps to help you break free from negative body image

Don't let 2024 be another year of frustration. Take the first step towards food freedom and a positive body image. Click below to secure your spot – it's time to make this YOUR year!


What You Get When You Join Me

Check out all the good stuff we've got for you!


Free Trainings & Coaching

Get 60 minutes of coaching to walk you through my proven step-by-step goal setting & game planning process.


Community Support

Connect with other Christian women on their food freedom journey, ask your questions, and have a TON of fun!


Fun Giveaways!

Who doesn't love getting presents?! (I know I do 🙋🏻‍♀️!) I'll be giving away some fun prizes for those who join us LIVE!

Here's your 3 options of when to attend live!

Choose the time that fits best with your schedule.

Join me LIVE on January 9th @ 12pm CST

Join me LIVE on January 11th @ 12pm CST

Join me LIVE on January 11th @ 5pm CST

Can't Attend Live?

No worries! Register now to receive a replay of the workshop so you won't miss out on all the game planning goodness.

Nice to meet you!

Hey, I'm Brittany - Christ-centered Food Freedom & Body Image Coach

I help women who struggle with food- and body-related anxieties cultivate a peaceful and joy-filled relationship with food so they can finally break free from the constant thoughts about how their body looks and what they think they should be eating.

As a Registered Dietitian and coach specialized in the treatment of eating disorders and body image, I've successfully helped more than a hundred women reduce and eliminate disordered behaviors, create consistency in their meal pattern, discover the roots of their anxiety around food and body, and grow closer in their walk with the Lord.

I created this workshop to help you build out a strategic game plan that you can use all throughout 2024 to finally find lasting food and body freedom

Ready to stop making the same resolutions every year and actually achieve  your goals? Join me for this hands-on workshop so I can help you put a plan in place to make it happen!

- Brittany Braswell, MS, RDN, LD 

This is a totally FREE training? I'm in!

Ready to FINALLY feel confident in your body without obsessing over your weight or macro counting?

By the end of this hands-on workshop, you'll walk away with a tangible ame plan

I'll hold your hand every step of the way with the education, coaching, practical strategies, and tools to help you start seeing the transformation you still might not believe is possible for you... but that I know IS.

So are you in?

Click the button below to register now and save your seat for this don't miss LIVE event!